CASA’s 5K Color Fun Run and Art Exhibition
CASA’s 5K Color Fun Run:
“We Run So They Don’t Have To”!
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Casa is exciting to again be hosting our 5th Annual 5K Color Fun Run.
Join us for Casa’s 5K Color Fun Run, Saturday, April 5th, 2025 on the South side of the Mathewson Parking Lot. This is a 5K run/walk combined with 6 color stations along the run/walk route. We encourage you to wear a white shirt to show off the brilliant colors.
5K: Check-in 8a-8:45am. 5K begins at 9:15am. Cash prize is awarded for overall 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.
Kid Color Run: Check-in 8a-8:45am. Run begins at 9am. 12 & under. Trophies awarded for overall 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.
Registration is $30 Adults, $15 Kids run, $40 Virtual Run.
Virtual Run: If you can’t make it in person, then do the Virtual run anytime and any day that works for you. We have information on our new Facebook Virtual Run Group: Join it today: https://www.facebook.com/groups/919738929215523/
All registrations by March 11th, 2024, includes a T-shirt and Medal.